- By Chapters
- By Sections
- Luke's Preface and Dedication.The Birth of Jesus.The Birth of Jesus Proclaimed by Angels to the Shepherds.Circumcision, Temple Service, and Naming of Jesus.Eastern Wise-Men, or Magi, Visit Jesus, the New-born King.Flight into Egypt and Slaughter of the Bethlehem Children.The Child Jesus Brought from Egypt to Nazareth.Jesus Living at Nazareth and Visiting Jerusalem in His Twelfth Year.John's Introduction.Genealogy of Jesus According to Matthew.Genealogy According to Luke.Annunciation to Zacharias of the Birth of John the Baptist.Annunciation of the Birth of Jesus.Mary, Future Mother of Jesus, Visits Elisabeth, Future Mother of John the Baptist.The Birth and Early Life of John the Baptist.Annunciation to Joseph of the Birth of Jesus.John the Baptist's Person and Preaching.Jesus Baptized by John in the Jordan.Jesus Tempted in the Wilderness.John's First Testimony to Jesus.Jesus Makes His First Disciples.Jesus Works His First Miracle at Cana in Galilee.Jesus' First Residence at Capernaum.Jesus Makes a Preaching Tour Through Galilee.Jesus Heals a Leper and Creates Much Excitement.Jesus Heals a Paralytic at Capernaum.The Call of Matthew.Jesus Cleanses the Temple.Jesus Talks with Nicodemus.First Ministry in Judæa--John's Second Testimony.Reasons for Retiring to Galilee.At Jacob's Well, and at Sychar.Arrival in Galilee.General Account of Jesus' Teaching.The Second Miracle at Cana.Jesus' Temporary Residence at Capernaum.Jesus Calls Four Fishermen to Follow Him.Healing a Demoniac in a Synagogue.Healing Peter's Mother-in-Law and Many Others.Jesus Heals on the Sabbath Day and Defends His Act.Jesus' Feet Anointed in the House of a Pharisee.Further Journeying about Galilee.Blasphemous Accusations of the Jews.Sign Seekers and the Enthusiast Reproved.Christ's Teaching as to His Mother and Brethren.Dining with a Pharisee, Jesus Denounces That Sect.Concerning Hypocrisy, Worldly Anxiety, Watchfulness, and His Approaching Passion.Repentance Enjoined. Parable of the Barren Fig-Tree.Introduction.Parable of the Sower.Parable of the Seed Growing of Itself.The Parable of the Tares.Parables of the Mustard Seed and Leaven.The Parable of the Tares Explained.Parables of Treasure, Pearl, and Net.Jesus Stills the Storm.Jesus Defends Disciples Who Pluck Grain on the Sabbath.Jesus Heals Two Gergesene Demoniacs.Matthew's Feast. Discourse on Fasting.Jairus' Daughter and the Invalid Woman.Healing Blind Men and a Dumb Demoniac.Jesus Visits Nazareth and Is Rejected.Third Circuit of Galilee. The Twelve Instructed and Sent Forth.Herod Antipas Supposes Jesus to Be John.Return of the Twelve and Retirement to the East Shore of Galilee.Feeding the Five Thousand.The Twelve Try to Row Back. Jesus Walks Upon the Water.Discourse on Spiritual Food and True Discipleship. Peter's Confession.Jesus Defends Healing a Withered Hand on the Sabbath.Jesus Heals Multitudes Beside the Sea of Galilee.After Prayer Jesus Selects Twelve Apostles.Introductory Statements.Beatitudes: Promises to Messiah's Subjects.Influence and Duties of Messiah's Subjects.Relation of Messianic Teaching to Old Testament and Traditional Teaching.Almsgiving, Prayer, and Fasting to Be Performed Sincerely, Not Ostentatiously.Security of Heavenly Treasures Contrasted with Earthly Anxieties.Law Concerning Judging.Concerning Prayer.The Golden Rule.The Two Ways and the False Prophets.Conclusion and Application: Two Builders.Healing the Centurion's Servant.Jesus Raises the Widow's Son.The Baptist's Inquiry and Jesus' Discourse Suggested Thereby.Jesus Fails to Attend the Third Passover: Scribes Reproach Him for Disregarding Tradition.Sin and Forgiveness Between Brethren.Jesus' Brothers Advise Him to Go to Jerusalem.The Private Journey to Jerusalem.As to Sacrifice for Christ's Service.In the Temple at the Feast of Tabernacles.The Story of the Adulteress.Messianic Claims Met by Attempt to Stone Jesus.Contention Over the Man Born Blind.Discourse on the Good Shepherd.Second Withdrawal from Herod's Territory.Parable of the Good Samaritan.Jesus the Guest of Martha and Mary.Prayer Taught and Encouraged.Sabbath Healing. Mustard Seed and Leaven.Feast of the Dedication. The Jews Attempt to Stone Jesus and He Retires to Peræa.The Strait Gate. Warned Against Herod.Dining with a Pharisee. Sabbath Healing and Three Lessons Suggested by the Event.Cost of Discipleship Must Be Counted.Introduction.Parable of the Lost Sheep.Parable of the Lost Coin.Parable of the Lost Son.Parable of the Unrighteous Steward.Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus.Concerning Offenses, Faith, and Service.Peræa to Bethany. Raising of Lazarus.Healing a Phoenician Woman's Daughter.Retiring Before the Sanhedrin's Decree.Journey to Jerusalem. Ten Lepers. Concerning the Kingdom.Parable of the Importunate Widow.Parable of the Pharisee and Publican.Journey to Jerusalem. Concerning Divorce.Blessing Children. Concerning Childlikeness.The Rich Ruler. Peril of Riches. Reward of Sacrifice. Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard.Foretelling His Passion. Rebuking Ambition.Bartimæus and His Companion Healed.Zacchæus. Parable of the Pounds. Journey to Jerusalem.Another Avoiding of Herod's Territory.The Deaf Stammerer Healed and Four Thousand Fed.Pharisaic Leaven. A Blind Man Healed.The Great Confession Made by Peter.Passion Foretold. Peter Rebuked.The Transfiguration. Concerning Elijah.Healing the Demoniac Boy.Return to Galilee. The Passion Foretold.Jesus Pays the Tribute Money.False Ambition Versus Childlikeness.Jesus Arrives and Is Feasted at Bethany.Destruction of Jerusalem Foretold.The Second Coming of Christ.Conclusion of Our Lord's Discourse. Parables of Virgins and Talents. The Final Judgment.Jesus Predicts, the Rulers Plot for, and Judas Bargains for His Death.Preparation for Passover. Disciples Contend for Precedence.The Paschal Meal. Jesus Washes the Disciples' Feet.Judas' Betrayal and Peter's Denial Foretold.The Lord's Supper Instituted.Farewell Discourse to Disciples.The Lord's Prayer.Jesus' Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem.Going to Gethsemane, and Agony Therein.Jesus Betrayed, Arrested, and Forsaken.First Stage of Jewish Trial. Examination by Annas.Second Stage of Jewish Trial. Jesus Condemned by Caiaphas and the Sanhedrin.Peter Thrice Denies the Lord.Third Stage of Jewish Trial. Jesus Formally Condemned by the Sanhedrin, and Led to Pilate.First Stage of the Roman Trial. Jesus Before Pilate for the First Time.Second Stage of the Roman Trial. Jesus Before Herod Antipas.Third Stage of the Roman Trial. Pilate Reluctantly Sentences Him to Crucifixion.Remorse and Suicide of Judas.Barren Fig-Tree. Temple Cleansed.On the Way of the Cross.Jesus Crucified and Reviled. His Three Sayings During First Three Hours.Darkness Three Hours. After Four More Sayings, Jesus Expires. Strange Events Attending His Death.Jesus Found to Be Dead. His Body Buried and Guarded in the Tomb.Finding the Fig-Tree Withered.Introduction.Parable of the Two Sons.Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen.Parable of the Marriage of the King's Son.Pharisees and Herodians Ask About Tribute.Sadducees Ask About the Resurrection.A Lawyer Asks About the Great Commandment.Jesus' Question Which None Could Answer.Jesus' Last Discourse. Denunciation of Scribes and Pharisees.Observing the Offerings and Widow's Mites.Greeks Seek Jesus. He Foretells That He Shall Draw All Men Unto Him.Angels Announce the Resurrection to Certain Women. Peter and John Enter the Empty Tomb.Ninth and Tenth Appearances of Jesus.The Ascension.Our Lord Appears After His Ascension.First and Second Appearances of the Risen Christ. The Resurrection Reported to the Apostles.Some of the Guards Report to the Jewish Rulers.Third and Fourth Appearances of Jesus.Fifth Appearance of Jesus.Sixth Appearance of Jesus.Seventh Appearance of Jesus.Eight Appearance of Jesus.The Great Commission Given.
His commands to prepare and be worthy.
Statement of what is happening in the world in connection with the Second Coming of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Nuzul i Isa, Qiyamah, the Parousia of Jesus Christ Our Lord.
Behold I come quickly. Blessed is he that keepeth the words of the prophecy of this book.
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Traditional Catholic Prayers: When therefore you shall see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place: he that readeth let him understand. - Traditional Catholic Prayers: When therefore you shall see the abomination of desolation, which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy ...9 years ago
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Eucharist in house churches Commanded by God
Traditional Catholic Prayers: Office of the Hours for the Week
Sayyidah Parousia
Watch and Pray Always
Watch and Pray Always as Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ commanded
Morning Prayer and through the day.
In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Our Father Who are in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
O Lord Jesus Christ our only Lord and Saviour, living and reigning and ruling with God Our Father in the unity and power and bond of love of the Holy Spirit our Paraclete from heaven
your kingdom come,
your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.
with and by the prayer and company and presence of the same all your elect angels and saints for and with us unceasingly,
especially Saint Michael and Saint Gabriel truly present with us, Saint Enoch in the flesh and Saint Elijah in the flesh your holy prophets yet to return their holy angels truly present with us,
the Holy Family especially blessed St. Joseph and the most Blessed Virgin Mary your mother Christ Jesus our only Lord and Saviour your half brothers and sisters in the flesh Christ Jesus our only Lord and Saviour the only mediator between God and man in the flesh most holy angel of almighty counsel, captain of the hosts of the Lord, going before us with all of your elect doxas, especially St. Michael and St. Gabriel truly present with us, unto all salvation and victory totally protecting and delivering us in all things at all times immediately unceasingly and now and always and unto the endless ages of ages to come;
with all thanksgiving, we love you for you first loved us, with all thanksgiving, thank you for You, for all your gifts and mercies to us, unceasingly: especially your all holy, almighty, gifts of our creation, your redemption of us, your gifts of your creation to us, Christ Jesus our only Lord and Saviour,
your life and teaching, your Incarnation, Conception, Birth in the flesh, your Epiphany, your Transfiguration, your most Holy Cross, Holy Blood, Holy Spirit, of you the Immortal son of the Father, Christ Jesus our only Lord and Saviour, your Resurrection, the only first born from the dead in the flesh, your Ascension, Assumption, in the same flesh, back to the Father’s bosom in the third heaven at his right hand in the unity and power and bond of love of the Holy Spirit our Paraclete, the gift of your Holy Spirit our Paraclete at Pentecost, and throughout all time and creation, indwelling us, bringing with him, you God Our Father and the Son Jesus Christ our only Lord and Saviour, unceasingly and now and always and unto the endless ages of ages to come,
your most holy Eucharist, which you alone God Our Father and the Son Jesus Christ our only Lord and Saviour and the Holy Spirit our Paraclete give to us,
Jesus Christ our only Lord and Saviour, infinitely pure and undefiled, truly made manifest again in the bread the wine and the water whom we receive in faith with all thanksgiving,
your Parousia, in the same flesh in which you came in your Incarnation and suffered for us and rose again in, in the future, at the end of this age, at the time known to you alone O Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God almighty, Blessed Trinity, Holy Unity, with all your elect angels, our resurrection in the flesh at the first resurrection of the just, our same spirits, souls and bodies reunited, we with all your elect angels and saints worshipping you, Jesus Christ our only Lord and Saviour, in the glory of God Our Father, in the unity and power and bond of love of the Holy Spirit our Paraclete, face to face unceasingly unto the endless ages of ages to come, for your spiritual gifts of food and drink,
for your simple gifts of food and drink, for all your gifts and mercies and this new day with all thanksgiving, we love you for you first loved us with all thanksgiving, blessed are You in all Your elect angels and saints, unceasingly and now and always and unto the endless ages of ages to come.
Your Holy Spirit come upon us and cleanse us,
Give us today our Supersubstantial bread,
and forgive us our debt,
as, in You Holy Spirit, we also forgive, those in Your body Jesus Christ Our Only Lord and Saviour, our debtors,
Against you, you alone, Jesus Christ our Only Lord and Saviour, have we sinned and done what is evil in your sight, forgive us our sins, purge us with hyssop and we shall be cleansed, wash us and we shall be made whiter than snow, make the bones you have numbered to rejoice. Come Holy Spirit cleanse us from all stain of spirit, soul, flesh, make us only one in You, as you are one in God Our Father, in You, You in us, Most Holy Lord God Pantocrator, Christ Jesus our Only Lord and Saviour, Who alone bought us in the flesh by Your most Holy Cross, Holy Blood, Holy Spirit, of You the Immortal Son of the Father, Christ Jesus Our only Lord and Saviour, infinitely pure and undefiled covering the whole world and cleansing the whole universe, Jesus Christ our Only Lord and Saviour the only first born from the dead in the flesh the only one Resurrected Ascended Assumed Bodily in the flesh and sitteth on the right hand of God Our Father in the third heaven in the unity and power and bond of love of the Holy Spirit our Paraclete Holy Holy Holy Lord God Pantocrator, with and by the prayer and company of the same all Your elect angels and saints for and with us unceasingly:
By Your most Holy Blood and Holy Spirit and this Your Most Holy Shield of You Christ Jesus Our Only Lord and Saviour invincible and inpenetrable, only-begotten Son of the Immortal Father covering the whole world cleansing the whole universe, in the Holy Spirit the Unity and Power and Bond of Love of the Father and the Son Jesus Christ, our only Lord and Saviour, covering, shielding, delivering, us unceasingly, save us, and now and always and unto the endless ages of ages to come: cleanse, shield, heal, guide, guard, keep, deliver and bless our households, your faithful departed blessed in Your bosom unceasingly with especially all of our faithful departed kinsmen after the flesh, and all of Your faithful throughout the earth; especially by Your Most Holy Eucharist, infinitely pure and undefiled, whom You alone Christ Jesus Our Only Lord and Saviour, God Our Father, Holy Spirit Our Paraclete give to us, Whom we alone receive in faith with all thanksgiving, indwelling us: our households, all of Your faithful upon earth and upon salvific confession in You God Our Father and the Son Jesus Christ Our Lord and Saviour and the Holy Spirit Our Paraclete all of Your lost sheep – unto all salvation eternal and temporal, Your presence God Our Father and the Son Jesus Christ Our Only Lord and Saviour and the Holy Spirit our Paraclete; Holy Blood of Christ Jesus, Holy Energy Holy Spirit Holy Wisdom of God Our Father and the Son Jesus Christ Our Only Lord and Saviour and the Holy Spirit Our Paraclete, indwelling us in our spirits souls bodies truly present with us and for us everywhere with and by the prayer and company and presence, especially St. Michael and St. Gabriel and St. Enoch and St. Elijah in the flesh – their holy angels, truly present with us and all of Your faithful, of all your elect angels and saints for and with us in all places, utterly perfectly forevermore in everything, everywhere in every detail, blessed here on earth in long life and good health, totally protected and delivered in all things at all times and totally cleansed, sanctified, strengthened, purified, vindicated in spirit soul body, our households totally delivered in all things at all times, all Your faithful and upon salvific confession in You God Our Father and the Son Jesus Christ Our Lord and Saviour and the Holy Spirit Our Paraclete all of Your lost sheep, totally delivered in all things at all times, Holy Blood of Christ Jesus – Jesus Christ Our Lord and Saviour, Most Holy Lord God Pantocrator in the flesh, Most Holy Angel of Almighty Counsel, Captain of the Hosts of the Lord, the Divine Almighty Warrior – St. Michael – St. Gabriel – with all your elect angels surrounding us, shielding us, going forth before us, no one interfering with us in anyway, absolutely nothing at all, all times past present future, totally delivered from all evil immediately forever.
and do not lead us into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one and all it’s minions visible and invisible;
for yours is the power and the glory unto the endless ages of ages to come.
Leading us forth O Lord,
Drive far away our preternatural foe,
And Your abiding peace bestow;
If You be our preventing Guide,
No evil can our steps betide.
Bless our meetings, O Lord.
Utterly uproot all idolatry from the world.
Crush under our feet Satan.
Humble now, as at all times, the enemies of Your Church, You and us.
Lay bare their pride.
Speedily show them their weakness.
Bring to naught the wicked plots they contrive against us.
Arise, O Lord, and let Your enemies be scattered, and let all who hate Your holy name be put to flight.
– with and by the prayer and company and presence of the same all your elect angels and saints for and with us unceasingly and now and always and unto the endless ages of ages to come cover, cleanse, shield, heal, guide, guard, keep, deliver and bless Your sheep, faithful and in salvific confession of You Christ Jesus Our Only Lord and Saviour, Your lost sheep, unto all salvation eternal and temporal, absolutely immediately utterly forevermore unceasingly and now and always and unto the endless ages of ages to come, save us.
Your good Spirit shall lead me in the land of uprightness; for Your Name's sake, O Lord, shall You quicken me.
In Your righteousness shall You bring my soul out of affliction, and in Your mercy shall You utterly destroy mine enemies. And You shall cut off all them that afflict my soul, for I am Your servant. For as You have been sanctified in us in their sight, so you shall be magnified among them in our presence, make them fall back as those did before You by Your presence unceasingly and never come near us everything and everybody in every way that means us any harm at all times and now and always and unto the endless ages of ages to come forevermore.
Come Holy Spirit Wisdom Energy Sanctifier Our Paraclete throughout the entire earth for the salvation of all of Your lost sheep and the deliverance of all of Your innocent and faithful, especially those in the worst of distress. Most Holy Lord God Almighty Abba Our Father, through You, beloved and Only Son of God, Our Only Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, send forth Your Most Holy Spirit Our Paraclete, enkindle in our hearts the fire of Your love and we shall be created and You shall renew the face of the earth. Through Our Only Lord God Saviour King most Holy Pantocrator in the flesh Jesus Christ, the Divine warrior, Glory be to God Our Father and to the Son Jesus Christ Our Only Lord and Saviour and to the Holy Spirit Our Paraclete as it was before all time and creation, Creator and ruler over all, at the beginning of all time and creation, past present future and now and always unceasingly unto the endless ages of ages to come.
Prevented preventing from before all time and creation utterly invisible passing through the midst of all evil and all of our enemies thereof unharmed and untouched all of it bound and gone from us unceasingly for you LORD are not in any of that, neither are we, forevermore from before all time and creation: God Our Father and the Son Jesus Christ Our Only Lord and Saviour and the Holy Spirit Our Paraclete
Holy Blood of Jesus Christ, Holy Holy Holy Lord God Pantocrator, forevermore unceasingly, Olam Olam, Creator and Ruler over all, with and by the prayer and company and presence of all Your elect angels and saints for and with us unceasingly, at the beginning of all time and creation past present future and now and always and unto the endless ages of ages to come.
In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The final Prayer before Communion
Especially for all of those in the vineyard of the Lord devastated by Ecumenism and Latin and Byzantine and Protestant Freemasonic irruptions of church and all the false gnostic nonsense permeating the Evangelical community and all other opposition to the True Gospel, all are welcome here on this site and to pray with us: Parousia of Jesus Christ Our Lord: Eternal faith and beliefs: Jesus Christ is the Truth
Holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty, Who is and Who was and Who is to come
Let us praise and glorify Him forever.
Lord our God, You are worthy to receive praise and glory and honor and blessing
Let us praise and glorify Him forever.
The Lamb Who was slain is worthy to receive power and divinity and wisdom and strength, and honor and glory and blessing
Let us praise and glorify Him forever.
Let us bless the Father and the Son with the Holy Spirit:
Let us praise and glorify Him forever.
Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord
Let us praise and glorify Him forever.
Sing praise to our God, all you His servants and you who fear God, the small and the great.
Let us praise and glorify Him forever.
Let heaven and earth praise Him Who is glorious
Let us praise and glorify Him forever.
And every creature that is in heaven and on earth and under earth and in the sea and those which are in them.
Let us praise and glorify Him forever.
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit:
Let us praise and glorify Him forever.
As it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.
Let us praise and glorify Him forever.
Let us pray:
All-powerful, most holy, most high, and supreme God:
all good,
supreme good,
totally good,
You Who alone are good; may we give You all praise, all glory, all thanks, all honor:
all blessing,
and all good things.
So be it.
So be it.
O OUR most holy FATHER,
Our Creator, Redeemer, Consoler, and Savior
In the angels and in the saints,
Enlightening them to love, because You, Lord, are light
Inflaming them to love, because You, Lord, are love
Indwelling and filling them with happiness, because You, Lord, are the Supreme Good,
the Eternal Good
from Whom comes all good
without Whom there is no good.
May our knowledge of You become ever clearer that we may know the breadth of Your blessings
the length of Your promises
the height of Your majesty
the depth of Your judgments.
So that You may rule in us through Your grace
and enable us to come to Your kingdom
where there is an unclouded vision of You
a perfect love of You
a blessed companionship with You
an eternal enjoyment of You.
That we may love You with our whole heart by always thinking
of You
with our whole soul by always desiring You
with our whole mind by directing all our
intentions to You and by seeking Your
glory in everything
and with our whole strength by spending all our energies and affections
of soul and body
in the service of Your love
and of nothing else
and may we love our neighbors as ourselves
by drawing them all with our whole strength to Your love
by rejoicing in the good fortunes of others as well as our
and by sympathizing with the misfortunes of others
and by giving offense to no one.
in memory and understanding and reverence
of the love which You in our Lord Jesus Christ had for us
and of those things which He said and did and suffered for us.
Your own Beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Through Your ineffable mercy
through the power of the Passion of Your Beloved Son together with the merits and intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and all Your chosen ones.
And whatever we do not forgive perfectly, do you, Lord, enable us to forgive to the full
so that we may truly love our enemies and fervently intercede for them before You
returning no one evil for evil
and striving to help everyone in You.
Hidden or obvious
Sudden or persistent.
Past, present and to come.
Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit
As it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.