The Promise of His coming.
His commands to prepare and be worthy.
Statement of what is happening in the world in connection with the Second Coming of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Nuzul i Isa, Qiyamah, the Parousia of Jesus Christ Our Lord.


Behold I come quickly. Blessed is he that keepeth the words of the prophecy of this book.

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Eucharist in house churches Commanded by God


GO HERE:Traditional Catholic Prayers: Eucharist in house churches Commanded by God. To rise above the concerns of the world to the service of God.

The Justice of God: New Testament Prayer, Psalms Hymns and Canticles, and first century Communion in full

Traditional Catholic Prayers: Office of the Hours for the Week

Watch and Pray Always

Watch and Pray Always as Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ commanded

Morning Prayer and through the day.

In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Our Father Who are in heaven,
hallowed be your name,

O Lord Jesus Christ our only Lord and Saviour, living and reigning and ruling with God Our Father in the unity and power and bond of love of the Holy Spirit our Paraclete from heaven

your kingdom come,
your will be done
on earth as it is in heaven.

with and by the prayer and company and presence of the same all your elect angels and saints for and with us unceasingly,

especially Saint Michael and Saint Gabriel truly present with us, Saint Enoch in the flesh and Saint Elijah in the flesh your holy prophets yet to return their holy angels truly present with us,

the Holy Family especially blessed St. Joseph and the most Blessed Virgin Mary your mother Christ Jesus our only Lord and Saviour your half brothers and sisters in the flesh Christ Jesus our only Lord and Saviour the only mediator between God and man in the flesh most holy angel of almighty counsel, captain of the hosts of the Lord, going before us with all of your elect doxas, especially St. Michael and St. Gabriel truly present with us, unto all salvation and victory totally protecting and delivering us in all things at all times immediately unceasingly and now and always and unto the endless ages of ages to come;

with all thanksgiving, we love you for you first loved us, with all thanksgiving, thank you for You, for all your gifts and mercies to us, unceasingly: especially your all holy, almighty, gifts of our creation, your redemption of us, your gifts of your creation to us, Christ Jesus our only Lord and Saviour,

your life and teaching, your Incarnation, Conception, Birth in the flesh, your Epiphany, your Transfiguration, your most Holy Cross, Holy Blood, Holy Spirit, of you the Immortal son of the Father, Christ Jesus our only Lord and Saviour, your Resurrection, the only first born from the dead in the flesh, your Ascension, Assumption, in the same flesh, back to the Father’s bosom in the third heaven at his right hand in the unity and power and bond of love of the Holy Spirit our Paraclete, the gift of your Holy Spirit our Paraclete at Pentecost, and throughout all time and creation, indwelling us, bringing with him, you God Our Father and the Son Jesus Christ our only Lord and Saviour, unceasingly and now and always and unto the endless ages of ages to come,

your most holy Eucharist, which you alone God Our Father and the Son Jesus Christ our only Lord and Saviour and the Holy Spirit our Paraclete give to us,

Jesus Christ our only Lord and Saviour, infinitely pure and undefiled, truly made manifest again in the bread the wine and the water whom we receive in faith with all thanksgiving,

your Parousia, in the same flesh in which you came in your Incarnation and suffered for us and rose again in, in the future, at the end of this age, at the time known to you alone O Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God almighty, Blessed Trinity, Holy Unity, with all your elect angels, our resurrection in the flesh at the first resurrection of the just, our same spirits, souls and bodies reunited, we with all your elect angels and saints worshipping you, Jesus Christ our only Lord and Saviour, in the glory of God Our Father, in the unity and power and bond of love of the Holy Spirit our Paraclete, face to face unceasingly unto the endless ages of ages to come, for your spiritual gifts of food and drink,

for your simple gifts of food and drink, for all your gifts and mercies and this new day with all thanksgiving, we love you for you first loved us with all thanksgiving, blessed are You in all Your elect angels and saints, unceasingly and now and always and unto the endless ages of ages to come.

Your Holy Spirit come upon us and cleanse us,
Give us today our Supersubstantial bread,
and forgive us our debt,
as, in You Holy Spirit, we also forgive, those in Your body Jesus Christ Our Only Lord and Saviour, our debtors,


Against you, you alone, Jesus Christ our Only Lord and Saviour, have we sinned and done what is evil in your sight, forgive us our sins, purge us with hyssop and we shall be cleansed, wash us and we shall be made whiter than snow, make the bones you have numbered to rejoice. Come Holy Spirit cleanse us from all stain of spirit, soul, flesh, make us only one in You, as you are one in God Our Father, in You, You in us, Most Holy Lord God Pantocrator, Christ Jesus our Only Lord and Saviour, Who alone bought us in the flesh by Your most Holy Cross, Holy Blood, Holy Spirit, of You the Immortal Son of the Father, Christ Jesus Our only Lord and Saviour, infinitely pure and undefiled covering the whole world and cleansing the whole universe, Jesus Christ our Only Lord and Saviour the only first born from the dead in the flesh the only one Resurrected Ascended Assumed Bodily in the flesh and sitteth on the right hand of God Our Father in the third heaven in the unity and power and bond of love of the Holy Spirit our Paraclete Holy Holy Holy Lord God Pantocrator, with and by the prayer and company of the same all Your elect angels and saints for and with us unceasingly:

By Your most Holy Blood and Holy Spirit and this Your Most Holy Shield of You Christ Jesus Our Only Lord and Saviour invincible and inpenetrable, only-begotten Son of the Immortal Father covering the whole world cleansing the whole universe, in the Holy Spirit the Unity and Power and Bond of Love of the Father and the Son Jesus Christ, our only Lord and Saviour, covering, shielding, delivering, us unceasingly, save us, and now and always and unto the endless ages of ages to come: cleanse, shield, heal, guide, guard, keep, deliver and bless our households, your faithful departed blessed in Your bosom unceasingly with especially all of our faithful departed kinsmen after the flesh, and all of Your faithful throughout the earth; especially by Your Most Holy Eucharist, infinitely pure and undefiled, whom You alone Christ Jesus Our Only Lord and Saviour, God Our Father, Holy Spirit Our Paraclete give to us, Whom we alone receive in faith with all thanksgiving, indwelling us: our households, all of Your faithful upon earth and upon salvific confession in You God Our Father and the Son Jesus Christ Our Lord and Saviour and the Holy Spirit Our Paraclete all of Your lost sheep – unto all salvation eternal and temporal, Your presence God Our Father and the Son Jesus Christ Our Only Lord and Saviour and the Holy Spirit our Paraclete; Holy Blood of Christ Jesus, Holy Energy Holy Spirit Holy Wisdom of God Our Father and the Son Jesus Christ Our Only Lord and Saviour and the Holy Spirit Our Paraclete, indwelling us in our spirits souls bodies truly present with us and for us everywhere with and by the prayer and company and presence, especially St. Michael and St. Gabriel and St. Enoch and St. Elijah in the flesh – their holy angels, truly present with us and all of Your faithful, of all your elect angels and saints for and with us in all places, utterly perfectly forevermore in everything, everywhere in every detail, blessed here on earth in long life and good health, totally protected and delivered in all things at all times and totally cleansed, sanctified, strengthened, purified, vindicated in spirit soul body, our households totally delivered in all things at all times, all Your faithful and upon salvific confession in You God Our Father and the Son Jesus Christ Our Lord and Saviour and the Holy Spirit Our Paraclete all of Your lost sheep, totally delivered in all things at all times, Holy Blood of Christ Jesus – Jesus Christ Our Lord and Saviour, Most Holy Lord God Pantocrator in the flesh, Most Holy Angel of Almighty Counsel, Captain of the Hosts of the Lord, the Divine Almighty Warrior – St. Michael – St. Gabriel – with all your elect angels surrounding us, shielding us, going forth before us, no one interfering with us in anyway, absolutely nothing at all, all times past present future, totally delivered from all evil immediately forever.

and do not lead us into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one and all it’s minions visible and invisible;
for yours is the power and the glory unto the endless ages of ages to come.

Leading us forth O Lord,

Drive far away our preternatural foe,

And Your abiding peace bestow;

If You be our preventing Guide,

No evil can our steps betide.

Bless our meetings, O Lord.
Utterly uproot all idolatry from the world.
Crush under our feet Satan.
Humble now, as at all times, the enemies of Your Church, You and us.

Lay bare their pride.
Speedily show them their weakness.
Bring to naught the wicked plots they contrive against us.
Arise, O Lord, and let Your enemies be scattered, and let all who hate Your holy name be put to flight.

with and by the prayer and company and presence of the same all your elect angels and saints for and with us unceasingly and now and always and unto the endless ages of ages to come cover, cleanse, shield, heal, guide, guard, keep, deliver and bless Your sheep, faithful and in salvific confession of You Christ Jesus Our Only Lord and Saviour, Your lost sheep, unto all salvation eternal and temporal, absolutely immediately utterly forevermore unceasingly and now and always and unto the endless ages of ages to come, save us.

Your good Spirit shall lead me in the land of uprightness; for Your Name's sake, O Lord, shall You quicken me.

In Your righteousness shall You bring my soul out of affliction, and in Your mercy shall You utterly destroy mine enemies. And You shall cut off all them that afflict my soul, for I am Your servant. For as You have been sanctified in us in their sight, so you shall be magnified among them in our presence, make them fall back as those did before You by Your presence unceasingly and never come near us everything and everybody in every way that means us any harm at all times and now and always and unto the endless ages of ages to come forevermore.

Come Holy Spirit Wisdom Energy Sanctifier Our Paraclete throughout the entire earth for the salvation of all of Your lost sheep and the deliverance of all of Your innocent and faithful, especially those in the worst of distress. Most Holy Lord God Almighty Abba Our Father, through You, beloved and Only Son of God, Our Only Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, send forth Your Most Holy Spirit Our Paraclete, enkindle in our hearts the fire of Your love and we shall be created and You shall renew the face of the earth. Through Our Only Lord God Saviour King most Holy Pantocrator in the flesh Jesus Christ, the Divine warrior, Glory be to God Our Father and to the Son Jesus Christ Our Only Lord and Saviour and to the Holy Spirit Our Paraclete as it was before all time and creation, Creator and ruler over all, at the beginning of all time and creation, past present future and now and always unceasingly unto the endless ages of ages to come.

Prevented preventing from before all time and creation utterly invisible passing through the midst of all evil and all of our enemies thereof unharmed and untouched all of it bound and gone from us unceasingly for you LORD are not in any of that, neither are we, forevermore from before all time and creation: God Our Father and the Son Jesus Christ Our Only Lord and Saviour and the Holy Spirit Our Paraclete

Holy Blood of Jesus Christ, Holy Holy Holy Lord God Pantocrator, forevermore unceasingly, Olam Olam, Creator and Ruler over all, with and by the prayer and company and presence of all Your elect angels and saints for and with us unceasingly, at the beginning of all time and creation past present future and now and always and unto the endless ages of ages to come.

In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The final Prayer before Communion

Especially for all of those in the vineyard of the Lord devastated by Ecumenism and Latin and Byzantine and Protestant Freemasonic irruptions of church and all the false gnostic nonsense permeating the Evangelical community and all other opposition to the True Gospel, all are welcome here on this site and to pray with us: Parousia of Jesus Christ Our Lord: Eternal faith and beliefs: Jesus Christ is the Truth

Holy, holy, holy Lord God Almighty, Who is and Who was and Who is to come

Let us praise and glorify Him forever.

Lord our God, You are worthy to receive praise and glory and honor and blessing

Let us praise and glorify Him forever.

The Lamb Who was slain is worthy to receive power and divinity and wisdom and strength, and honor and glory and blessing

Let us praise and glorify Him forever.

Let us bless the Father and the Son with the Holy Spirit:

Let us praise and glorify Him forever.

Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord

Let us praise and glorify Him forever.

Sing praise to our God, all you His servants and you who fear God, the small and the great.

Let us praise and glorify Him forever.

Let heaven and earth praise Him Who is glorious

Let us praise and glorify Him forever.

And every creature that is in heaven and on earth and under earth and in the sea and those which are in them.

Let us praise and glorify Him forever.

Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit:

Let us praise and glorify Him forever.

As it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.

Let us praise and glorify Him forever.

Let us pray:

All-powerful, most holy, most high, and supreme God:

all good,

supreme good,

totally good,

You Who alone are good; may we give You all praise, all glory, all thanks, all honor:

all blessing,

and all good things.

So be it.

So be it.


O OUR most holy FATHER,

Our Creator, Redeemer, Consoler, and Savior


In the angels and in the saints,

Enlightening them to love, because You, Lord, are light

Inflaming them to love, because You, Lord, are love

Indwelling and filling them with happiness, because You, Lord, are the Supreme Good,

the Eternal Good

from Whom comes all good

without Whom there is no good.


May our knowledge of You become ever clearer that we may know the breadth of Your blessings

the length of Your promises

the height of Your majesty

the depth of Your judgments.


So that You may rule in us through Your grace

and enable us to come to Your kingdom

where there is an unclouded vision of You

a perfect love of You

a blessed companionship with You

an eternal enjoyment of You.



That we may love You with our whole heart by always thinking

of You

with our whole soul by always desiring You

with our whole mind by directing all our

intentions to You and by seeking Your

glory in everything

and with our whole strength by spending all our energies and affections

of soul and body

in the service of Your love

and of nothing else

and may we love our neighbors as ourselves

by drawing them all with our whole strength to Your love

by rejoicing in the good fortunes of others as well as our


and by sympathizing with the misfortunes of others

and by giving offense to no one.


in memory and understanding and reverence

of the love which You in our Lord Jesus Christ had for us

and of those things which He said and did and suffered for us.


Your own Beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.


Through Your ineffable mercy

through the power of the Passion of Your Beloved Son together with the merits and intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and all Your chosen ones.



And whatever we do not forgive perfectly, do you, Lord, enable us to forgive to the full

so that we may truly love our enemies and fervently intercede for them before You

returning no one evil for evil

and striving to help everyone in You.


Hidden or obvious

Sudden or persistent.


Past, present and to come.

Glory to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit

As it was in the beginning, is now, and will be forever. Amen.

Christmas the Birth of the Son of God Jesus Christ in the Flesh

Christmas the Birth of the Son of God Jesus Christ in the Flesh
Seek the Immortal Son of God the Messiah Jesus Christ - click on picture

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Robin Williams suspicious death | Information on Antichrist cult Williams separated from

Note: the Soka Gakkai cult Williams separated from was called Nicherin Shoshu, or more precisely Nicherin Shoshu of America or NSA as they were called for short, in the United States. It was done on purpose to have the same acronym as the N.ational S.ecurity A.gency. These Nicherin Buddhists were led by CIA Drug Dealing thugs headed by Daisaku Ikeda. That CIA-Ikeda drug dealing connection was groomed by United States Military Intelligence and the CIA since the 1950's. It is Southeast Asia Triad and South American connected to the maximum.

Robin Williams dead: Actor was found hanging in his bedroom by his personal assistant, police say

The Oscar-winner was last seen alive by his wife, Susan Schneider, at home late on Sunday evening. Believing he was still asleep, Schneider left the house at around 10.30 am on Monday. When Williams's personal assistant arrived just over an hour later, police said, she became worried when he failed to answer the door. She gained entry, only to find him dead.
ROBIN WILLIAMS HAD 'SERIOUS MONEY PROBLEMS' MONTHS BEFORE DEATH, REPORTS CLAIMA pocket knife was found close to the actor’s body, and there were superficial injuries on the body that Lt Boyd said were likely self-inflicted.
Details of Robin Williams' final hours emerge
The assistant called 911 just before 11:55 a.m., according to authorities. "The caller was distraught and indicated at that time it was an apparent suicide due to a hanging had taken place and that rigor mortis had set in," Boyd said. Williams was pronounced dead at age 63 at 12:02 p.m. Boyd didn't confirm whether Williams left a note. On Wednesday, the Marin County Sheriff's Office defended its decision to reveal specific details during Tuesday's news conference, noting that the law requires the information be disclosed to the public. Authorities will continue to investigate his death and said that toxicology test results won't be completed for two to six weeks. Once those are in, another press conference will be held.

Question: Rigor doesn't set in for many hours - how did he know that? After the initial Rigor, which is relatively brief, it then is gone and you can't tell the difference by sight.

Robin Williams Tried Cutting Wrist Before Hanging 

Robin Williams tried to slit his wrist with a pocket knife but when that suicide attempt failed he hanged himself with a belt. The Marin County Deputy Coroner says Williams was at home alone Monday when he tried slashing his left wrist, but it only left "acute superficial cuts." The Coroner says Williams then took a belt, tied it around his neck and secured it between the closet door and door frame. Williams was in a seated position, slightly suspended with his right shoulder against the door. The Coroner also confirmed TMZ's story ... Robin's personal assistant discovered his body. The official says the actor had been receiving treatment for depression. As we reported ... Robin had been severely depressed and went to a Minnesota rehab facility last month. Read more:
You can't self asphyxiate when your feet have any chance of touching the ground, the autonomic response to breath will cause you to do whatever you must to get air - he would have gotten himself loose just as he put himself in that position - if he actually did that in the first place. It is obviously a murder staged very badly to look like suicide.

God and His Messiah Jesus Christ our Lord - our right and duty to witness to Him: Soka Gakkai's Cocaine Business

Soka Gakkai's Cocaine Business

Soka Gakkai’s
Cocaine Business
January 1st, 1995, EmyoAdmiring each other with hand-shake, King of Cocaine in Panama, General Noriega and Honorary President of Soka Gakkai, Daisaku Ikeda.
メディアが伝える創価学会 創価学会問題  TOP
Soka Gakkai’s Cocaine Business

By Mr. Toshimitsu Ryu, January 1st, 1995, Emyo

Soka Gakkai was investing the honest money from their followers in cocaine smuggling business. The profit was given to the leaders of Japanese LDP or Liberal Democratic Party. The fact was perceived by CIA. The US government intimidates Japanese government with the information as Japan’s weak point. That gave US a big advantage in diplomatic negotiations with Japan. As a result, Japan was compelled to take policies that benefit the US even if they are against Japan’s national interest.

Dr. Yoshihiro Tsurumi, a professor of the University of New York City, says amazing story in his book titled “America Goroshino Cho-Hasso” (published in 1994 by Tokuma Shoten) He is a director of the Institute of Pacific Economy and well known as a researcher in the field of international management. The following is from 206 page of his book.


Triangle of three men, Ichiro Ozawa, Daisaku Ikeda and Noriega

A report criticizing Ozawa, distributed from Washington D.C. to all over the US, refers to a fact that cannot be disregarded.

The report discloses a fact that Daisaku Ikeda, who has a bad reputation even among his followers such as making counterfeit mandala and so forth, and Ichiro Ozawa, who helps Ikeda to become a Nobel Prize winner in peace for gaining in reputation as a pacifist, are scheming to take over Japan with the combination of religion and politics. It asserts Ichiro Ozawa is an unwelcome person because his alliance with Daisaku Ikeda.

To tell the truth, the article reminded me one thing. Going back to the past when President senior Bush was making puppets of Kanamaru and Ozawa, I had a question which could not be explained with a carrot-and-stick policy.

Then I asked an American who was close to CIA. The person told me a story about a line, Ozawa, Ikeda and Panama’s dictator General Noriega.

When former President Bush senior was a director of CIA, Noriega supported him as his agent and got involved in an operation throwing Prime Minister of Cuba Castro and anti-government groups in the Middle America such as of Nicaragua, into confusion.

In return, Noriega was allowed to do a crime smuggling cocaine from Columbia to the US even using airplanes of CIA.

Therefore, Noriega became overconfident that he would be able to control the Bush senior’s US because he knew the weak point of the director of CIA, Bush senior.

However, Bush senior was clever enough to make a surprise attack against Noriega in 1989 just after he became a President of the US. Noriega was captured and brought to Florida to have a secret trial. In the trial he was found guilty and was put into a special jail.

In his confession, there was a story regarding Japan. It was that Daisaku Ikeda was investing followers’ honest fund in cocaine business cooperating with Noriega. From the benefit, Ikeda gave enormous amount of money to Ozawa of Japanese LDP continuously.

Bush senior obtained the evidence and used it as a stick to control Kanamaru and Ozawa. Of course the US ambassador to Japan, Michael H. Armacost was a key-person who also used the stick.

An Asian diplomat also told me the story as “Ozawa’s Panama Connection” well known to other Asian, Pan-Pacific countries. Japan seems the only one who does not know the fact.


Members of Soka Gakkai have blind faith in Daisaku Ikeda’s words, “Kosen-Rufu costs high.” And they are swindled lots of their money saved for their old age or even all of their property. However, the very honest money was given from Ikeda to the King of Drug Noriega to misuse for cocaine business and became a fund for world’s drug crimes. Members of Soka Gakkai must not know about it.

At that time, Ikeda was very proud of the relationship with Noriega and constructed a nice garden called Noriega Garden in the sacred land of Fuji.

Besides, the commission from the cocaine business was given to Ichiro Ozawa and Shin Kanamaru and former President of the US George Bush senior controlled Japan through ambassador to Japan Armacost.

Followers were swindled their honest money out, caused world-wide drug crimes and eventually Ikeda sold Japan to the US with the dirty cocaine money

I don’t know why Japanese media keep silent about this. They may have lost their sense by Ikeda’s devilish money power.

Anyway, Noriega is under sentence of 100 years in prison. On the other hand, Ikeda is aiming to take the rein of the government weighing Shinshinto Party against LDP or Liberal Democratic Party. (in 1995)

Can you be indifferent about this? Ikeda has committed far greater crimes than Noriega. He has to be put in jail for the rest of his life.

Palestine Cry: From Occupied Palestine to all of the Americas the Jews' Zionist evil destroys everything

Admiral William Crowe was a career Naval officer who when he was ordered to facilitate the relationship between the CIA's Panamanian Drug Cartel Dealer Manuel Noriega and the CIA's favorite Japanese political would be god and Yakuza hoodlum, Daisaku Ikeda, Crowe did so in Hawaii in 1985 at a supposed culture festival held then and there by the Soka Gakkai. To his small credit, Crowe appeared disgusted with himself at the time for what he was doing.


_鬼: A 鬼

The real history of Nicherin Shu or Nicherin Sho-shu is as follows – in the Kamakura era of Japan’s history, in the 13th century A.D., Nicherin, a proponent of his own brand of esoteric/exoteric Mahayana Buddhism formulated his own sect of Hokke (“Lotus” teaching) Buddhism; since that time called Nicherin Shu or Nicherin Sho-shu. It was based loosely on the (called Tien-Tai or in Japanese Tendai) school of the Chinese monk Chih-i.This and other related schools of Buddhism were brought from Chang’an, China by Dengyo Daishi (Saicho) and Kobo Daishi (Kukai) in the 9th Century A.D. During Nicherin’s life he preached to a group of Samurai families who at that time were Yakusa. The priests and others of these families formed the core of this cult. By the time of the 16th century A.D. they had been deep into the Imperial politics of Japan under the shogunates for three centuries. By the end of the 16th century/beginning of the 17th century they had convinced the Shoguns (especially Tokugawa Ieyasu in about 1601 A.D.) that Christians were to be exterminated. Ieyasu undertook the remainder of this with the “Japanese Proscription”. Christians had been in Japan since the Heian Dynasty and the Nara era (8th century A.D.) and even before that, 6th/7th century A.D. . (I have personally been in Nara and seen the dwellings of the Christians of that time). Part of the martyrdoms instigated by Nicherin’s followers are recounted in the following:
THE MARYRS OF JAPAN (From Fr. Alban Butler’s Lives of the Saints) ABOUT forty years after St. Francis Xavier's death a persecution broke out in Japan, and all Christian rites were forbidden under pain of death. A confraternity of martyrs was at once formed, the object of which was to die for Christ. Even the little children joined it. Peter; a Christian child six years old, was awakened early and told that he was to be beheaded, together with his father. Strong in grace, he expressed his joy at the news, dressed himself in his gayest clothing, and took the hand of the soldier who was to lead him to death. The headless trunk of his father first met his view; calmly kneeling down, he prayed beside the corpse, and, loosening his collar, prepared his neck for the stroke. Moved by this touching scene, the executioner threw down his sabre and fled. None but a brutal slave could be found for the murderous task; with unskilled and trembling hand he hacked the child to pieces, who at last died without uttering a single cry. Christians were branded with the cross, or all but buried alive, while the head and arms were slowly sawn oft with blunt weapons. The least shudder under their anguish was interpreted into apostasy. The obstinate were put to the most cruel deaths, but the survivors only envied them. Five noblemen were escorted to the stake by 40,000 Christians with flowers and lights, singing the litanies of Our Lady as they went. In the great martyrdom, at which thousands also assisted, the martyrs sent up a flood of melody from the fire, which only died away as one after another went to sing the new song in heaven. Later on, a more awful doom was invented. The victims were lowered into a sulphurous chasm, called the "mouth of hell," near which no bird or beast could live. The chief of these, Paul Wiborg, whose family had been already massacred for the faith, was thrice let down; thrice he cried, with a loud voice, "Eternal praise be to the ever-adorable Sacrament of the Altar." The third time he went to his reward.
After these martyrdoms recounted by Fr. Butler, about forty plus years later, under Ieyasu's Proscription, the Tokugawa shogunate martyred another thirty thousand plus Christians. The Nicherin Buddhists built the “Five Storied Pagoda” at their head temple Taisekiji to comemorate their successful murdering of Japan’s Christians and said that the pagoda symbolized that their Buddhism would conquer the West and destroy the Christian faith and all other religions and Japan would rule the world.
After this, the Proscription held until 1868, when Admiral Perry reopened Japan, and Christians were again allowed to preach and worship the true God there.
The last part of the 19th Century A.D., in Japan, saw the Meiji restoration, which albeit short lived, saw a revival of cultic pagan worship of the Emperor. The 1890’s were the Edo period and saw the building and ascension of modern day Tokyo. The shogunate warlords took over again in the 20th century and that saw the rise of anti-western Imperialism.

After World War II, in which Japan was drawn in on the part of Nazi Germany just 9 months before Pearl Harbor, many cults arose in Japan.

Only the Christian belief is true, Christians have been in Japan since the very early centuries of Japan. Christians were always good neighbors to everyone there.

_鬼: Hindu Buddhist – total Satanism

Hindu Buddhist – total Satanism

The core and final essence of all of the Hindu-Buddhist panoply of false gods and goddesses is the Lotus Sutra.

Nagarjuna, “wise snake” in Sanskrit is the actual Hindu that put together the real beginnings of what is called Mahayana Buddhism. He did this is the second century A.D. in Northern India. The Lotus Sutra, which in Sanskrit is the Saddharma Pundarika Sutram or Saddharma Pundarika for short is directly from this amalgam.

It is the essence of every form of Witchcraft and Devil and Demon worship and Magic and Sorcery known in the ancient world at that time.

There is an esoteric (secret) priesthood in Buddhism that dates from Nagarjuna that is the basis for all of the Buddhist Sangha (the Buddhist body of believers – believers in the Devil, emphatically NOT in the true God) throughout the world down until today. It is promulgated with the Opening of the Eye of the Serpent (Buddha) in secret in their temples that joins the individual objects used for their sorcery via the apostate six elements of the world and the Buddhist priests to the Devil, Satan – the Triple Dragon god/Mahavairochana/Dainichi Nyorai, which is the essence of Buddhism and the core of their Satanic priesthood since the beginning of the so called "Buddhism," which beginning was in the Second Century A.D. and not earlier as they claim. Just like there are many fallen angels and many demons from the Nephthalim drowned in Noah’s flood, there are many different Hindu-Buddhist gods/goddesses/so called Buddhas/so called Boddhisatvas etc. The many different Hindu-Buddhist gods/goddesses/so called Buddhas/so called Boddhisatvas etc. are the many fallen angels and many demons from the Nepthilim drowned in Noah’s flood. All of these pagan Devils and Demons trace back to the Mesopotamian goddess Nammu which is Satan in drag. Both the Hindus and Buddhists use the Sanskrit Namu as the invocation to all of their false gods/goddesses – the Devils/Demons. The Sanskrit Namu is a direct transliteration from the ancient Osiria-Sumerian language of the plain of Shinar where the Tower of Babel was built to join the whole world to Satan – the True God crashed that tower to the ground just as He crashed the Apostate Temple of the Jews to the ground and just as the True God will destroy the rebuilt Temple of Remphan in Occupied Palestine, The Holy Land.

The Demon gate is the splitting of the sky (Ouranous in Greek) that is the source (astrologically it lies between Jupiter and Saturn [the snake god Zeus and Chiun-Satan]) of all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Devils, Demons, Snake gods, Dragons, ghosts etc. up from the abyss where there are confined awaiting final damnation by the True God into the lake of fire at Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ’s Second Coming.

God will allow a release of these Devils and Demons that the pagan infidels have been conjuring for many centuries, but it will be toward the end of the age, when the Great Apostasy is upon us (as it is now), and it will be at the time that God alone knows.

The Apocalypse, the Book of the Revelation: 9.
The Fifth Trumpet

1 ¶ And the fifth angel sounded the trumpet: and I saw a star [1] fall from heaven upon the earth. And there was given to him the key of the bottomless pit. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 8:7, 10!; 20:1
2 And he opened the bottomless pit: and the smoke of the pit arose, as the smoke of a great furnace. And the sun and the air were darkened with the smoke of the pit. … Scripture reference – IV Esr.: 7:36; Gn.: 19:28
3 And from the smoke of the pit there came out locusts upon the earth. And power was given to them, as the scorpions of the earth have power.
4 And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth nor any green thing nor any tree: but only the men who have not the sign of God on their foreheads. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 7:1, 3!; Ezek.: 9:6
5 And it was given unto them that they should not kill them: but that they should torment them five months. [2] And their torment was as the torment of a scorpion when he striketh a man.
6 And in those days, men shall seek death and shall not find it. And they shall desire to die: and death shall fly from them. … Scripture reference – Job: 3:2
7 And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle. And on their heads were, as it were, crowns like gold: and their faces were as the faces of men. … Scripture reference – Joel: 2:4
8 And they had hair as the hair of women: and their teeth were as lions. … Scripture reference – Joel: 1:6
9 And they had breastplates as breastplates of iron: and the noise of their wings was as the noise of chariots and many horses running to battle. … Scripture reference – Joel: 2:5
10 And they had tails like to scorpions: and there were stings in their tails. And their power was to hurt men, five months. And they had over them … Scripture reference – Rev.: 9:19
11 A king, the angel of the bottomless pit (whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon [3] and in Greek Apollyon, in Latin Exterminans).
12 One woe is past: and behold there come yet two woes more hereafter. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 11:14 
[1] -Ver. 1. A star: Lucifer. This is confirmed by the words, the key of the bottomless pit. This key was given to the fallen star, and therefore the star is an individual.
Bottomless pit: abode of the damned with the devils and the demons.
[2] -Ver. 5. Five months: the general period of a locust plague is about five months.
[3] -Ver. 11. Abaddon: i.e., destruction. Apollyon: I.e., destroyer.
There is an ancient practice of Circumambulation. It consists of going in circles in imitation of the ancient Israelites circling Jericho. But the difference is this: it has nothing to do with the True God and instead also includes the depraved vile practice of forcing themselves to make a sound of coughing and expectoration at the same time joined to their conjuring of Satan. Particularly absolutely vile and depraved and Diabolic is the use of this on very small children and infants to catatonically stun them before sacrificing them to Satan. It is the same throughout history and the world: Moloch-Chemosh-Osirus-Voodoo-New World and Pacific basin shamanism-Melkart/Hercules-Buddha-Durga/Kali-O.T.O.Gnosticism/Freemasonry/smoke of Satan in the Sanctuary Vatican II Devil worship Novus Ordo, it is the pagan god of human sacrifice to Satan by Devil worshippers who attempt to defy the True God and the only True and Holy Sacrifice of Redemption made by the Kenosis of Our Only Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ on Golgotha/Calvary for the righteous salvation of those who believe in Jesus Christ, the Immortal Son of God made flesh in the womb of the Virgin Mary, Crucified, Died and Rose Again and Ascended into Heaven and who Return with all of His elect angels to raise and judge all men and send the unrighteous and unholy and wicked and profane and evil into the lake of fire forever.

The following chapters of the Lotus Sutra contain direct passages of Circumambulation referred to therein.






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Greek is in Isopsephia.

Pundarika is from Sanskrit and is the base for all the demonic and corrupt Buddhist lies against the true God, the creator of heaven and earth. That paved the way for western corruption into the far east, see example below: Hong Kong, the Land Built on Opium. Pundarika is transliterated exactly to the Greek with the exact English equivalent to the Sanskrit and Greek.

Pundarika is given in the Greek under the English.

The Cosmic Christ – Cosmocrator (the Gnostic name for the False-Christ the Gnostics worshipped and which was actually Satan as immanent god of the universe) and the fruits of that bad tree


80+ 400+ 50+ 4+ 1+ 100+ 10+ 20+ 1=666

Note: pundarika in Sanskrit (the above English and Greek are direct transliterations letter for letter from the Sanskrit) is literally “the great white dragon in the abyss” which is the core and basis of the whole esoteric tradition, priesthood, and the dainichi nyorai (the head of the diabolic trinity of the dragon in Buddhism). The dainichi nyorai is also the exact very basis for their magic/sorcery with it’s six elements they manipulate. Elements here are exactly the stoichea in Col. 2:8.

This has nothing to do with The Lord Jesus Christ. There is salvation only in Our Lord Jesus Christ.


8 Beware lest any man cheat you by philosophy and vain deceit: according to the tradition of men according to the elements (Gr: stoichea) of the world and not according to Christ. (DRV)

14 ¶ For this cause I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,
15 Of whom all paternity in heaven and earth is named:
16 That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened by his Spirit with might unto the inward man:
17 That Christ may dwell by faith in your hearts: that, being rooted and founded in charity,
18 You may be able to comprehend, with all the saints, what is the breadth and length and height and depth,
19 To know also the charity of Christ, which surpasseth all knowledge: that you may be filled unto all the fulness of God.
20 Now to him who is able to do all things more abundantly than we desire or understand, according to the power that worketh in us:
21 To him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus, unto all generations, world without end. Amen.
Hong Kong, the Land Built on Opium

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