Note: the Soka Gakkai cult Williams separated from was called Nicherin Shoshu, or more precisely Nicherin Shoshu of America or NSA as they were called for short, in the United States. It was done on purpose to have the same acronym as the N.ational S.ecurity A.gency. These Nicherin Buddhists were led by CIA Drug Dealing thugs headed by Daisaku Ikeda. That CIA-Ikeda drug dealing connection was groomed by United States Military Intelligence and the CIA since the 1950's. It is Southeast Asia Triad and South American connected to the maximum.
Robin Williams dead: Actor was found hanging in his bedroom by his personal assistant, police say
The Oscar-winner was last seen alive by his wife, Susan Schneider, at home late on Sunday evening. Believing he was still asleep, Schneider left the house at around 10.30 am on Monday. When Williams's personal assistant arrived just over an hour later, police said, she became worried when he failed to answer the door. She gained entry, only to find him dead.Details of Robin Williams' final hours emerge
ROBIN WILLIAMS HAD 'SERIOUS MONEY PROBLEMS' MONTHS BEFORE DEATH, REPORTS CLAIMA pocket knife was found close to the actor’s body, and there were superficial injuries on the body that Lt Boyd said were likely self-inflicted.
The assistant called 911 just before 11:55 a.m., according to authorities. "The caller was distraught and indicated at that time it was an apparent suicide due to a hanging had taken place and that rigor mortis had set in," Boyd said. Williams was pronounced dead at age 63 at 12:02 p.m. Boyd didn't confirm whether Williams left a note. On Wednesday, the Marin County Sheriff's Office defended its decision to reveal specific details during Tuesday's news conference, noting that the law requires the information be disclosed to the public. Authorities will continue to investigate his death and said that toxicology test results won't be completed for two to six weeks. Once those are in, another press conference will be held.....
Question: Rigor doesn't set in for many hours - how did he know that? After the initial Rigor, which is relatively brief, it then is gone and you can't tell the difference by sight.
Robin Williams Tried Cutting Wrist Before Hanging
Robin Williams tried to slit his wrist with a pocket knife but when that suicide attempt failed he hanged himself with a belt. The Marin County Deputy Coroner says Williams was at home alone Monday when he tried slashing his left wrist, but it only left "acute superficial cuts." The Coroner says Williams then took a belt, tied it around his neck and secured it between the closet door and door frame. Williams was in a seated position, slightly suspended with his right shoulder against the door. The Coroner also confirmed TMZ's story ... Robin's personal assistant discovered his body. The official says the actor had been receiving treatment for depression. As we reported ... Robin had been severely depressed and went to a Minnesota rehab facility last month. Read more: can't self asphyxiate when your feet have any chance of touching the ground, the autonomic response to breath will cause you to do whatever you must to get air - he would have gotten himself loose just as he put himself in that position - if he actually did that in the first place. It is obviously a murder staged very badly to look like suicide.
God and His Messiah Jesus Christ our Lord - our right and duty to witness to Him: Soka Gakkai's Cocaine Business
Soka Gakkai's Cocaine Business
Soka Gakkai’s Cocaine Business Japanese | ![]() | |||||
January 1st, 1995, Emyo | Admiring each other with hand-shake, King of Cocaine in Panama, General Noriega and Honorary President of Soka Gakkai, Daisaku Ikeda. | |||||
メディアが伝える創価学会 創価学会問題 TOP |
Soka Gakkai’s Cocaine Business By Mr. Toshimitsu Ryu, January 1st, 1995, Emyo Soka Gakkai was investing the honest money from their followers in cocaine smuggling business. The profit was given to the leaders of Japanese LDP or Liberal Democratic Party. The fact was perceived by CIA. The US government intimidates Japanese government with the information as Japan’s weak point. That gave US a big advantage in diplomatic negotiations with Japan. As a result, Japan was compelled to take policies that benefit the US even if they are against Japan’s national interest. Dr. Yoshihiro Tsurumi, a professor of the University of New York City, says amazing story in his book titled “America Goroshino Cho-Hasso” (published in 1994 by Tokuma Shoten) He is a director of the Institute of Pacific Economy and well known as a researcher in the field of international management. The following is from 206 page of his book. Quote: Triangle of three men, Ichiro Ozawa, Daisaku Ikeda and Noriega A report criticizing Ozawa, distributed from Washington D.C. to all over the US, refers to a fact that cannot be disregarded. The report discloses a fact that Daisaku Ikeda, who has a bad reputation even among his followers such as making counterfeit mandala and so forth, and Ichiro Ozawa, who helps Ikeda to become a Nobel Prize winner in peace for gaining in reputation as a pacifist, are scheming to take over Japan with the combination of religion and politics. It asserts Ichiro Ozawa is an unwelcome person because his alliance with Daisaku Ikeda. To tell the truth, the article reminded me one thing. Going back to the past when President senior Bush was making puppets of Kanamaru and Ozawa, I had a question which could not be explained with a carrot-and-stick policy. Then I asked an American who was close to CIA. The person told me a story about a line, Ozawa, Ikeda and Panama’s dictator General Noriega. When former President Bush senior was a director of CIA, Noriega supported him as his agent and got involved in an operation throwing Prime Minister of Cuba Castro and anti-government groups in the Middle America such as of Nicaragua, into confusion. In return, Noriega was allowed to do a crime smuggling cocaine from Columbia to the US even using airplanes of CIA. Therefore, Noriega became overconfident that he would be able to control the Bush senior’s US because he knew the weak point of the director of CIA, Bush senior. However, Bush senior was clever enough to make a surprise attack against Noriega in 1989 just after he became a President of the US. Noriega was captured and brought to Florida to have a secret trial. In the trial he was found guilty and was put into a special jail. In his confession, there was a story regarding Japan. It was that Daisaku Ikeda was investing followers’ honest fund in cocaine business cooperating with Noriega. From the benefit, Ikeda gave enormous amount of money to Ozawa of Japanese LDP continuously. Bush senior obtained the evidence and used it as a stick to control Kanamaru and Ozawa. Of course the US ambassador to Japan, Michael H. Armacost was a key-person who also used the stick. An Asian diplomat also told me the story as “Ozawa’s Panama Connection” well known to other Asian, Pan-Pacific countries. Japan seems the only one who does not know the fact. Unquote: Members of Soka Gakkai have blind faith in Daisaku Ikeda’s words, “Kosen-Rufu costs high.” And they are swindled lots of their money saved for their old age or even all of their property. However, the very honest money was given from Ikeda to the King of Drug Noriega to misuse for cocaine business and became a fund for world’s drug crimes. Members of Soka Gakkai must not know about it. At that time, Ikeda was very proud of the relationship with Noriega and constructed a nice garden called Noriega Garden in the sacred land of Fuji. Besides, the commission from the cocaine business was given to Ichiro Ozawa and Shin Kanamaru and former President of the US George Bush senior controlled Japan through ambassador to Japan Armacost. Followers were swindled their honest money out, caused world-wide drug crimes and eventually Ikeda sold Japan to the US with the dirty cocaine money I don’t know why Japanese media keep silent about this. They may have lost their sense by Ikeda’s devilish money power. Anyway, Noriega is under sentence of 100 years in prison. On the other hand, Ikeda is aiming to take the rein of the government weighing Shinshinto Party against LDP or Liberal Democratic Party. (in 1995) Can you be indifferent about this? Ikeda has committed far greater crimes than Noriega. He has to be put in jail for the rest of his life. Palestine Cry: From Occupied Palestine to all of the Americas the Jews' Zionist evil destroys everything ... Admiral William Crowe was a career Naval officer who when he was ordered to facilitate the relationship between the CIA's Panamanian Drug Cartel Dealer Manuel Noriega and the CIA's favorite Japanese political would be god and Yakuza hoodlum, Daisaku Ikeda, Crowe did so in Hawaii in 1985 at a supposed culture festival held then and there by the Soka Gakkai. To his small credit, Crowe appeared disgusted with himself at the time for what he was doing.
The real history of Nicherin Shu or Nicherin Sho-shu is as follows – in the Kamakura era of Japan’s history, in the 13th century A.D., Nicherin, a proponent of his own brand of esoteric/exoteric Mahayana Buddhism formulated his own sect of Hokke (“Lotus” teaching) Buddhism; since that time called Nicherin Shu or Nicherin Sho-shu. It was based loosely on the (called Tien-Tai or in Japanese Tendai) school of the Chinese monk Chih-i.This and other related schools of Buddhism were brought from Chang’an, China by Dengyo Daishi (Saicho) and Kobo Daishi (Kukai) in the 9th Century A.D. During Nicherin’s life he preached to a group of Samurai families who at that time were Yakusa. The priests and others of these families formed the core of this cult. By the time of the 16th century A.D. they had been deep into the Imperial politics of Japan under the shogunates for three centuries. By the end of the 16th century/beginning of the 17th century they had convinced the Shoguns (especially Tokugawa Ieyasu in about 1601 A.D.) that Christians were to be exterminated. Ieyasu undertook the remainder of this with the “Japanese Proscription”. Christians had been in Japan since the Heian Dynasty and the Nara era (8th century A.D.) and even before that, 6th/7th century A.D. . (I have personally been in Nara and seen the dwellings of the Christians of that time). Part of the martyrdoms instigated by Nicherin’s followers are recounted in the following:
After World War II, in which Japan was drawn in on the part of Nazi Germany just 9 months before Pearl Harbor, many cults arose in Japan.
Only the Christian belief is true, Christians have been in Japan since the very early centuries of Japan. Christians were always good neighbors to everyone there.
_鬼: Hindu Buddhist – total Satanism
Hindu Buddhist – total Satanism
God will allow a release of these Devils and Demons that the pagan infidels have been conjuring for many centuries, but it will be toward the end of the age, when the Great Apostasy is upon us (as it is now), and it will be at the time that God alone knows.
The Apocalypse, the Book of the Revelation: 9.
The Fifth TrumpetRv:9:
1 ¶ And the fifth angel sounded the trumpet: and I saw a star [1] fall from heaven upon the earth. And there was given to him the key of the bottomless pit. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 8:7, 10!; 20:1
2 And he opened the bottomless pit: and the smoke of the pit arose, as the smoke of a great furnace. And the sun and the air were darkened with the smoke of the pit. … Scripture reference – IV Esr.: 7:36; Gn.: 19:28
3 And from the smoke of the pit there came out locusts upon the earth. And power was given to them, as the scorpions of the earth have power.
4 And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth nor any green thing nor any tree: but only the men who have not the sign of God on their foreheads. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 7:1, 3!; Ezek.: 9:6
5 And it was given unto them that they should not kill them: but that they should torment them five months. [2] And their torment was as the torment of a scorpion when he striketh a man.
6 And in those days, men shall seek death and shall not find it. And they shall desire to die: and death shall fly from them. … Scripture reference – Job: 3:2
7 And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle. And on their heads were, as it were, crowns like gold: and their faces were as the faces of men. … Scripture reference – Joel: 2:4
8 And they had hair as the hair of women: and their teeth were as lions. … Scripture reference – Joel: 1:6
9 And they had breastplates as breastplates of iron: and the noise of their wings was as the noise of chariots and many horses running to battle. … Scripture reference – Joel: 2:5
10 And they had tails like to scorpions: and there were stings in their tails. And their power was to hurt men, five months. And they had over them … Scripture reference – Rev.: 9:19
11 A king, the angel of the bottomless pit (whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon [3] and in Greek Apollyon, in Latin Exterminans).
12 One woe is past: and behold there come yet two woes more hereafter. … Scripture reference – Rev.: 11:14
[1] -Ver. 1. A star: Lucifer. This is confirmed by the words, the key of the bottomless pit. This key was given to the fallen star, and therefore the star is an individual.Bottomless pit: abode of the damned with the devils and the demons.
[2] -Ver. 5. Five months: the general period of a locust plague is about five months.
[3] -Ver. 11. Abaddon: i.e., destruction. Apollyon: I.e., destroyer.
Apostasy: Idols are a complete sign of Apostasy from the True God
The Justice of God: Parousia of Jesus Christ Our Lord: Excerpts from Hippolytus of Rome Who withstood the Arch-Heretics Callistus and Zephryinus - Benediktos and Bergoglio are modern equivalents of Heresiarchs Callistus and Zephryinus
The Justice of God: The Mark, the Name, the Number of the beast and the Tower of Babel = Ecumenism: The Justice of God: Οικουμένα in Greek Isopsephia is exactly 666
Traditional Catholic Prayers: Parousia of Jesus Christ Our Lord: Excerpts from Hippolytus of Rome Who withstood the Arch-Heretics Callistus and Zephryinus - Benediktos and Bergoglio are modern equivalents of Heresiarchs Callistus and Zephryinus
The Justice of God: Ancient pagan polytheistic sites | The original "Lourdes' " Apparitions - in Ancient Canaan
Traditional Catholic Prayers: Devil worshippers of the Middle and Far East. - Anathema, cursed in their blasphemy by God.
Apostasy: Ecumenism
Apostasy: Idols are a complete sign of Apostasy from the True God
_鬼: A 鬼
8 Beware lest any man cheat you by philosophy and vain deceit: according to the tradition of men according to the elements (Gr: stoichea) of the world and not according to Christ. (DRV)
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