Be vigilant in season and out of season just as St. Paul said, instead of the middle of the road know nothings.
1 I charge thee, before God and Jesus Christ, who shall judge the living and the dead, by his coming, and his kingdom: 2 Preach the word: be instant in season, out of season: reprove, entreat, rebuke in all patience and doctrine. 3 For there shall be a time, when they will not endure sound doctrine; but, according to their own desires, they will heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears: 4 And will indeed turn away their hearing from the truth, but will be turned unto fables. 5 But be thou vigilant, labour in all things, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill thy ministry. Be sober.
Anyone who tries to obfuscate and ameliorate any of the below, including by defaming those who speak out or saying things such as don't really say anything or take any stance, just be middle of the road with "prudent skepticism" and "vigilance" is a Satanic Criminal same as Benny the Ratz and the Illuminati child Murderers.
The Justice of God: The ancient bloody worship of Gaia has been revived by the forces of Satan and his Antichrist in order to rule the world for the Devil and the Devil's One World Religion
The Justice of God: Khafir kuffār Althod
In Christ alone there is salvation.
Jesus Christ is the Sole Son of the Father in Whom alone there is Salvation.
St. Athanasius Contra Mundum
Sometimes we may be given to say “I wonder what it was like to live many centuries ago” or “we don’t really know what it was like” and other such things as men are wont to say when musing on things. We needn’t wonder. The Church Fathers give us a very clear account. When we read from St. Athanasius [feastday May 2] in his book Against the Heathen, we see the idolatry and depravity from which Jesus Christ redeemed us from to have no part in. St. Athanasius was the defender of the Church against Arianism, the attempt to return on the part of churchmen to a “reasonable” synthesis with paganism. In other words, apostasy. In fact if one looks at false ecumenism and the world wide return to paganism and moral depravity and the horror of the human sacrifice of abortion (according to Human Life International many abortion providers are training their people to offer the murdered babies to mother goddess Gaia via magic) then we are living in the time that St. Anthony of the Desert [feastday Jan. 17], in 335 A.D. foretold would happen when he thundered into Alexandria and denounced the Arians as the forerunner of the Antichrist. The question at hand is what is our duty to God in resisting heresy and sin?end of excerpt
Malachi Martin
God and His Messiah Jesus Christ our Lord - our right and duty to witness to Him: Satan's false prophet - Illuminati cult - assassin
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Ratzinger - false prophet |
see link - In the words of Archbishop Lefebvre, Rome "lost faith" and Cardinal Ratzinger / Benedict XVI is a "snake".
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Svali |
Update January 2009: It seems that Svali is alive and safe. See Svali.
In these unusual circumstances, however, we have decided to retain her tribute here, as her story is so extremely important and she has demonstrated such exceptional courage in speaking out as she did in
previous years.
Of all the courageous warriors for truth to whom we pay tribute on these pages, Svali is an exception. Her name is a pseudonym, and it is not known whether she is dead or in hiding. But her testimony is so shocking, and of such critical importance, that in our view it is utterly clear that we must honor her here.
Svali is, or was, an American woman born into an Illuminati bloodline. When she was twelve years old, she was taken to the Vatican for a ceremony she was told would be very important. What she witnessed - an actual child sacrifice (the child was 3 or 4 years old, and appeared to be compliant) on an obsidian slab over a large pentagram in a basement catacomb - is told in her extraordinary interview with Greg Szymanski.
All Illuminati children are heavily conditioned to be obedient, patient, self-controlled, and totally loyal to the "family". Some are groomed for the military or politics; others are prepared for business - or even 'businesses' such as prostitution. Marriages are arranged, one reason being to strengthen ties between different bloodlines. All the members of the families have respectable fronts as "normal" people to the degree that no-one who is not in the group would ever suspect the duality of their character and of their life. Meetings often occur at night. In these meetings children are "trained" using drugs, hypnosis, and shock-reward conditioning. They can, in Svali's words, all handle and fire a weapon with deadly accuracy by the age of 8.
Higher levels of politics are heavily Illuminati occupied and controlled, in all western countries. In the United States, the population is about 1% Illuminati or Illuminati assets. Do the math: that's about 3 million people. You may even know some of them, and have never suspected.
Svali is also an exception in that very few Illuminati members ever leave. The conditioning is just too great... and to leave means abandoning spouse, parents, children, house, money, everything. Very few people make the break. Svali reports that she was only able to leave after it dawned on her that, because she was telling lies to the Illuminati children as an Illuminati "trainer" (her role or job in the "family"), she must have been lied to herself when she was young. She converted to Christianity ('real' Christianity: she described various Christian churches as heavily Illuminati controlled) and this gave her the strength to leave. She gave one major radio interview, and had a website ( which has now been taken down. She wrote prolifically for a while, but has not been heard from since 2006.
13 Videos - 4 videos in this playlist have been deleted from YouTube ?!
HSBC Offshore Accounts - Money Laundering Tax Evasion
HSBC Offshore Money Laundering
THE DAY ADMIRAL BOORDA DIED - Roots in ZioNazi Marine Corps Mob Killing Machine responsible for subverting the nation and handing over America to "Israel" on 911 - Part 1
THE DAY ADMIRAL BOORDA DIED - Roots in ZioNazi Marine Corps Mob Killing Machine responsible for subverting the nation and handing over America to "Israel" on 911 - Part 2
snuff films
US Special Forces Snuff film Makers
snuff films
Svali in San Diego
Svali in San Diego
Svali in San Diego
God and His Messiah Jesus Christ our Lord - our right and duty to witness to Him: archive
With everything that has been centered on McClellan-Palomar for decades, it should be investigated for Trafficking just as it has been in the past, both Drugs and Human Trafficking (of the worst sort - child snuff porn connected to Israel and Russia and Europe, both live and dead victims and film).
General Reference links.
Father O' Connor (Excellent but flawed - every "Pope" after Pope Pius XII has been and is an Antipope and Satanic False Prophet - Pius IX and Pius XII were in fact occult heretics.)
Father John O'Connor: The Reign of the Antichrist - Father O' Connor exposes the New World Order
Go to: The Justice of God: The Apocalypse, the Book of the Revelation
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