More cover up from Mario:
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Mario Derksen |
More Heresy from Francis: Faith Without Works Not True Faith? | NOVUS ORDO WATCH: "Now don't let yourself be deceived by the two or three "Catholic" things Francis says on occasion, and which the Modernist "conservative" apologists love to harp on, for as Pope Leo XIII pointed out:
"There can be nothing more dangerous than those heretics who admit nearly the whole cycle of doctrine, and yet by one word, as with a drop of poison [bold emphasis added by editor here], infect the real and simple faith taught by our Lord and handed down by Apostolic tradition." The practice of the Church has always been the same, as is shown by the unanimous teaching of the Fathers, who were wont to hold as outside Catholic communion, and alien to the Church, whoever would recede in the least degree from any point of doctrine proposed by her authoritative Magisterium.
(Pope Leo XIII, Encyclical Satis Cognitum, n. 9)"
Novus Ordo Wire | Blog, News Archive at NOVUS ORDO WATCH: "While Novus Ordo pundits immediately accused critics of “taking the Pope out of context”, affirming the existence of the Three Persons while denying the existence of God doesn’t do anything to save the baby. For one thing, it either denies that the Three Persons are divine, or that they are one. It does not suffice, you see, to merely affirm that there are Three Divine Persons — you must also affirm that they are one in substance, and that this One God is a pure Spirit." [bold emphasis added by editor here]
Our Lord Jesus Christ said:
Matthew 7:2
For with what judgment you judge, you shall be judged: and with what measure you mete, it shall be measured to you again.
For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned.
Parousia of Jesus Christ Our Lord: God and His Messiah Jesus Christ our Lord - our right and duty to witness to Him: 1950 Catholic Dictionary | CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA | entry in each: Devil
God and His Messiah Jesus Christ our Lord - our right and duty to witness to Him: 1950 Catholic Dictionary | CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA | entry in each: Devil
Parousia of Jesus Christ Our Lord: Be separate from all that offends Our Lord Jesus Christ awaiting His return, His Second Advent from Heaven (all that offends - that includes all pope heads over the church)
Mario Derksen and his cohorts at Novus Ordo Watch, which should be named Novus Ordo Watch the Strawman and swallow the camel, have exposed themselves again. See here:
What is Watch the Strawman and swallow the camel? It means to dwell on the Most obviously heretical and completely Apostate recent bishops of Rome (John XXIII to Francis), and by endless speculation on how they could be so awful completely ignore the heresies and build up to that flash point so carefully planned for decades and even centuries before, but especially from Pius IX and then onward. Pius IX was a craftily and carefully concealed Freemason (he is the would be self proclaimed god-head over the Church of which in truth ONLY JESUS CHRIST IS THE HEAD and pius 9 Mastai-Ferretti is only an apostate heretic awaiting resurrection by Christ and eternal judgement in the flesh, and if he didn't reject his Satanic views on himself pius 9 being the god-head and his trying to make Mary a goddess, then eternal fire in hell).
Beware! As Father Feeney so blithely skipped over while using the term itself concerning Pius IX, a "liberal" whether "Pope" or "Cardinals" or whatever in the 19th century was an obvious euphemism for Freemason in both Religious and Political circles of the Power Elites in Europe. Those Power Elites were the Black Nobility from the 12th/13th Century onward with all Orthodox Church Byzantine-Phanar and Jew Khazar and Egyptian Banking connections and secret societies, especially the gentile Freemasons: primarily the Knights Templar and Scottish 33rd degree Rite – and the Jew Freemasons: primarily Priory de Sion (read French Grand Orient) Jew Freemasonry and Jew Rothschild Rosicrucianism and their London Temple devoted to Satan.
Pius IX as a gentile Freemason, when he supposedly condemned freemasonry was actually just part of the cover up and the infighting between Grand Orient (Jew Freemasonry) and Templar (Black Nobility gentile Freemasonry).
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Pius IX Mastai-Ferretti |
When Pius IX was yet a bishop, he, Mastai-Ferretti was initiated at the Lodge Eterna Catena of Palermo into Freemasonry on August 15, 1839; then later expelled from the Freemason Fraternity by order of the Grand Master of Masons in Italy, Victor Emanuel the king of Italy, for having repeatedly violated of his oaths of secrecy in the Freemasonic order.
Pius IX's Diabolic schizophrenic imagining of Mary as goddess and himself as god-pope was simply the long held favorite pagan Satanic infidel beliefs of Freemasonry that he was giving voice to.
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Pius IX - note sunburst of sun-god behind Crucifix, when Francis brings that back, he is not the first - it is Freemasonic - for Francis' version see directly below. |
The Justice of God: Spiritual wickednesses in high places - Black Magic "Mary" Gnostic Devil Mother Goddess of all religions falsely Resurrected Assumed
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Serpent goddess Isis transformed into Mary as goddess - a long held Freemasonic belief and plan |
Pope Pius IX - freemason
But, strange to say, there is no doubt that Pope Pius IX was himself a Freemason. His signature still exists in the books of one of the Italian Lodges of Monte Video. Shortly after his ordination Mastai Ferretti (which was his secular name) was sent as Auditor to the Vicar-General of Chile, and at one time it was believed that he was initiated into Freemasonry in that country. When, in later years, he was appointed Apostolic Delegate in Uruguay he appeared in the Lodges as a fully qualified Freemason, and a writer in the Libertad del Pensamiento, a Madrid journal, in 1870, said that there was in existence in the possession of one whose name he gave (Soussingeas) a portrait of the Pope in Masonic regalia.
Quite recently, however, any doubt that may have existed on the question was put on one side by the discovery of the initiation of Pope Pius IX into Freemasonry in the Lodge Eterna Catena of Palermo on 15th August 1839. The following is a translation from the Italian of the Bollettino Officiale del Grande Oriente Nazionale Egiziano:—
"Orient of Nuremburg, Lodge of Germanic Loyalty, daughter of the Grand Lodge of Bavaria, working under constitutions emanating from the Grand Mother Lodge of the Three Globes of Berlin.
"Our archives contain, under No. 13,715, the following document, certified and authenticated in regular and required form, written in Italian, and bearing the great seal of the Grand Lodge Luce Perpetua of Naples :
"'Masonic Lodge Eterna Catena of Palermo :
"'We, Master Masons, dignitaries and officials of the third degree of Masonry of St John, certify in the name of the Supreme Master, who directs all, that on this, the date given below, at the hour of twelve at night, we have received in this Lodge in the form prescribed by our rituals, and with entire conformity to our constitution, the Brother Giovanni Ferretti Mastai, a native of the Pontifical States, who, having assumed the oath in the presence of all of us, declared that he did not belong to any secret society hostile to this Lodge, and who has paid the charges demanded of him.
"'Wherefore we call upon all the Masonic Lodges of the world to recognise him and hold him as a genuine and true Mason, received in a just and perfect Lodge, and thus we regard and certify him, as a conscientious and honourable man.
"'In testimony of the entire truth of the present document, we sign in Palermo, in the profane and civil year 1839, on the fifteenth day of the month of August.
"'Ne varietur : Giovanni Ferretti Mastai.
"'Matteo Chiava, Master of the Lodge.
"'Paolo Duplessi, Secretary of the Lodge.
"’sisto Calano, Grand Master of the Lodge of Naples.'
" I certify to the truth of the foregoing, and that our archives contain the above document under the number indicated.
" Wilhelm von Wittelsburg, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Bavaria, Prince of Bavaria."
In 1874 the Voice of Masonry published the following item of news :—
" At the semi-annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of Masons Scottish Rite of the Orient of Palermo, Italy, on 27th March last, Pope Pius IX. was excommunicated from the Order. The decree of expulsion was published in the official Masonic paper at Cologne, Germany, and is preceded by the minute of the Lodge in which he was initiated, and is as follows :
" ' A man named Mastai Ferretti, who received the baptism of Freemasonry, and solemnly pledged his love and fellowship, and who afterwards was crowned Pope and King, under the title of Pio Nino, has now cursed his former Brethren and excommunicated all members of the Order of Freemasons. Therefore, said Mastai Ferretti is herewith, by decree of the Grand Lodge of the Orient, Palermo, expelled from the Order for perjury.'
" The charges against him were first prepared in his Lodge at Palermo in 1865, and notification and copy thereof sent to him, with a request to attend the Lodge for the purpose of answering the same. To this he made no reply, and for divers reasons the charges were not pressed until he urged the Bishops of Brazil to act aggressively towards the Freemasons. Then they were pressed, and, after a regular trial, a decree of expulsion was entered and published, the same being signed by Victor Emmanuel, King of Italy, and the Grand Master of the Orient of Italy." The king thus returned his compliments for the "major excommunication" which the Pope had sent him a few years previously with the Pope’s kind regards." "It is difficult," said the Pall Mall Gazette in October 1874, "to see what retort Pius IX. can make to this decree, unless, indeed, he has in reserve some still more formidable maledictory missile to launch at the Grand Lodge of the Orient. But in these days, unfortunately, a papal anathema is hardly as terrible as a Masonic decree."
Dudley Wright, Roman Catholicism and Freemasonry. London : William Rider & Son, Limited, 1922. hc. 251 p. 5 3/4" x 8 3/4". pp. 172-175.
From the "Catholic"Black Nobility American site dedicated to Freemasonic Elites ruling the world in the name of "Catholic," attempted wide out in the open cover up of Pius IX
February 7 – Refused admission to the Pontifical Noble Guard, he became Pope instead
Pope Blessed Pius IX
"...That failed then due only to Bismarck of Germany, the Vatican I council was recessed and never reopened because of the threat of Bismarck's armies. A council that is recessed but not formally closed, as is the case with Vatican I, is not canonically declared nor any doctrines proposed there nor any pronouncements of such a council. That includes both the infamous "doctrine" of the "Immaculate Conception" of Mary in order to make her a goddess and the even more infamous "doctrine" of "Papal Infallibility" which by assuming Peter in charge of the church instead of Christ, the "Pope" arrogates to himself Godhead and suzerainty over heaven and earth and salvation and uses Christ as a puppet to be manipulated by this monster styling himself "Pope."
RELIGIOUS ASPECT OF HIS PAPACYHis greatest achievements are of a purely ecclesiastical and religious character.Battle against false liberalism. It is astounding how fearlessly he fought, in the midst of many and severe trials, against the false liberalism which threatened to destroy the very essence of faith and religion. In his Encyclical “Quanta Cura” of 8 December, 1864, he condemned sixteen propositions touching on errors of the age. This Encyclical was accompanied by the famous “Syllabus errorum”, a table of eighty previously censured propositions bearing on pantheism, naturalism, rationalism, indifferentism, socialism, communism, freemasonry, and the various kinds of religious liberalism. Though misunderstandings and malice combined in representing the Syllabus as a veritable embodiment of religious narrow-mindedness and cringing servility to papal authority, it has done an inestimable service to the Church and to society at large by unmasking the false liberalism which had begun to insinuate its subtle poison into the very marrow of Catholicism.Previously, on 8 January, 1857, he had condemned the philosophico-theological writings of Günther, and on many occasions advocated a return to the philosophy and theology of St. Thomas.
His promotion of the inner life of the Church. Through his whole life he was very devout to the Blessed Virgin. As early as 1849, when he was an exile at Gaëta, he issued letters to the bishops of the Church, asking their views on the subject of the Immaculate Conception, and on 8 Dec., 1854, in the presence of more than 200 bishops, he proclaimed the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin as a dogma of the Church. He also fostered the devotion to the Sacred Heart, and on 23 Sept., 1856, extended this feast to the whole world with the rite of a double major. At his instance the Catholic world was consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus on 16 June, 1875. He also promoted the inner life of the Church by many important liturgical regulations, by various monastic reforms, and especially by an unprecedented number of beatifications and canonizations.Convocation of the Vatican Council. On 29 June, 1869, he issued the Bull “Æterni Patris”, convoking the Vatican Council which he opened in the presence of 700 bishops on 8 Dec., 1869. During its fourth solemn session, on 18 July, 1870, the papal infallibility was [attempted to be] made a dogma of the Church."
All of that was put in the rear corridors of Papal concubines and idiots and pederasty and magic and hermeticism and secret political and banking pillage and thieving and covered up by the usual pomp and scholastic lying sophisms.
The Houses of the Dragon (Satan, the Devil) are the root and summation of it all.
Parousia of Jesus Christ Our Lord: Traditional Catholic Prayers: God and His Messiah Jesus Christ our Lord - our right and duty to witness to Him: Traditional Catholic Prayers: Tyche, Esther and Poppea - three abominable whores of Satan: "The self divine Napoleon [backed up by the sniveling cowardly apostate Pius VII - see just below this paragraph] with the ancient pagan Roman crown of Imperator-Dictator (formerly worn by Antichrist persecuting Emperors of ancient Pagan Rome who persecuted Christians to the death for their faith in Christ). Double Eagle of the Satan worshiping Houses of the Dragon of ancient Sumer/Mesopotamia, in the background. The Houses of the Dragon are the ancient royal houses of Eurasia (including the Mediterranean and the Near East and especially the Levant from Chaldaea to Egypt to North Africa) which worship the Devil only from which the black Nobility and the Freemasons both sprang. Pius VII had very nice words for the Freemasonic created United States of America which has only been a tool and puppet of the New World Order of the Antichrist since its beginning especially by the connivance of the Illuminati Bavarian Jesuit Black Nobility sponsored Adam Weishaupt. That was the same cabal that with the English Intelligentsia Salons and the Priory de Sion (read French Grand Orient) Jew Freemasonry brought forth the French Revolution."
Parousia of Jesus Christ Our Lord: Parousia of Jesus Christ Our Lord: APOSTATE ARCH HERETIC 'Famed Catholic priest Benedict Groeschel, 81, dies' GOES TO JUDGMENT BEFORE THE JUST JUDGE, OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST
The Vatican has been birthing the Beasts of Revelation Chapter 13 for a long time, but especially since Pius VII who crowned a fore-type of the Antichrist, Napoleon Bonaparte. The process became absolutely irremediable and unstoppable and without any compromise allowable for the faithful who MUST depart from any connection with the Vatican since Vatican II - which was only Vatican I continued and finished with its utterly absolute Satanic Diabolic end of bringing forth the Antichrist and the False Prophet in sight and to be accomplished as soon as God permits it. God does not approve of any of it - but He permits evil when people deserve it for their unrepentant sins. Then God judges them without mercy who blindly, totally searing their own consciences, continue down the path of sin and evil. THE FAITHFUL ARE TO HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THESE APOSTATES UPON PAIN OF ETERNAL DAMNATION.
All of these Satan worshipers in the Vatican and outside of it are known as the Illuminati.
God and His Messiah Jesus Christ our Lord - our right and duty to witness to Him: December 2011
“Windswept House,” among other sources, also made explicit reference to the June 29, 1963 Black Mass in the Vatican.
It is Illuminist Masonry that we find at the core of the Vatican II apostasy. The smoke of Satan is the Satanic black mass, as mentioned by Malachi Martin in his writings. Although the Antipope Paul VI mentioned the smoke of Satan, he was part and parcel of it. It is especially the black mass child sacrifice by murdering and offering this murdered child to Satan especially in the Vatican, it is that form, that is the core of the Novus Ordo and Vatican II and everyone that is connected with it and has lead and will lead to nothing but apostasy and that black mass that continues to this day; this Masonry with the Judeo-Freemason Cardinals of the Vatican who were and are the willing servants of Satan and the Antipopes who are the willing pawns of Satan. Those Antipopes are: John XXIII, Paul VI, John Paul I, John Paul II and Benedict XVI. [and now Francis]
This prefigures the final abomination of desolation in the rebuilt temple in Jerusalem, the human sacrifice to the Antichrist in that rebuilt temple.
All the other Anti-God and Anti-Life extend from this.
Only Jesus Christ is the head of His Church.
For any doctrine to be declared there must be a full consensus of the ancient councils of the Church in accord with true paradosis (teaching directly from the Apostles recorded in the New Testament from Our Lord Jesus Christ) and the Church Fathers who are by definition an exact group ending with and not later than St. John Damascene in the East in the eighth century A.D. and in the West in the seventh century A.D. St. Isadore of Seville and Pope St. Gregory the Great, Pope of Rome (who said that any bishop who declared himself in charge of the whole Church, instead of all bishops, including the Pope of Rome, having no more than equal authority, with Rome among other Patriarchal sees and none of them coercing others, was in fact, the precursor of the Antichrist).
The Arch Evil Council of Vatican II proposed a meaningless cosmic Adam and non-literal creation by a nonexistent pantheistic non-God ruled over by a cosmic Jesus Christ (Gnostic false Christ - actually Satan) and the Antitheotokos (Mary as premature resurrected and ascended goddess - Christ alone is resurrected and ascended until His return - John 3:13 And no one [nemo in Latin, oudeis in Greek - literally 'no one'] hath ascended into heaven, but He that descended from heaven, the Son of man who is in heaven.). All of this was based on their ultimate Antichrist Judeo Mason document of Nostra Aetate which put the eternal enemies of Christ, the apostate perfidious nation of [Babylonian Haburah Idumean Pharisaic sophists who pretend to be] Jews guilty of Deicide, as gods above all infidel pagan religions. They put that abomination in place of the Gospel of Christ and all of this as the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place of Our Lord Jesus Christ's Church, His Body, which He died for.
The Antipopes begining especially with Freemason Pius IX, in addition to pretending to authority over the entire Church - which they could never have, now by the vomit of John XXIII through Francis spew forth the Satanic nonsense of Nostra Aetate. They and all who follow them will go into hell forever at the return of Christ.
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